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6,696,300   Arsenic analysis

6,330,904   Microwave-based process for dental casting

6,287,105   Controlling assembly for adjusting lip gap

5,972,808   Fibrous structures with fine particles

5,916,152   Lung permeability analysis

5,776,626   Hydrogen-occluding alloy and hydrogen-occluding alloy electrode

5,620,658   Colorimetric test strip

5,620,323   Dental restoration structure

5,607,531   Filament coating process

5,601,080   Spectrophotometric blood analysis

5,530,055   Nucleated polyolefin-based composition for rotational molding

5,529,311   Interactive communication apparatus

5,423,668   Web thickness control

5,334,622   Mechanically frothed plastisols

5,267,570   Method of diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue syndrome

5,258,314   Microprocessor-based biomedical monitoring apparatus and method

5,230,702   Hemodialysis method

5,217,743   Biomaterials of enhanced biocompatibility

5,118,524   Vascular biomaterial

5,043,140   Blood oxygenator

8,123,511 Decoupled Transverse Flow Metering Gap and Lip Gap

7,491,546 Reagent Delivery and Photometric Chlorine Analysis

7,333,194 Photometric Analysis

7,272,899 Exchangeable Strap Shoes

7,186,184 Golf Mat and Pattern

7,060,013 Versatile Health Care Apparatus

6,905,324 Interface Control